Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Make It RAIN!

Can you guys see the connection between this article and Toni Morrison's Beloved?

It's pretty obvious. That's right, H20! As mentioned by Mr. Beddingfield this novel is drowned in water; figuratively speaking, of course. There's Sethe giving birth and Beloved coming out from a stream. Then there's Paul D escaping from a prison in Georgia because the rain freed him from the underground box he was locked in. Beloved also drinks alot of water when she first appears in the novel and Sethe's mother threw all of her children overboard except for her. Water, water, and more water!

The title of the article that I chose is called, "Symbolism of Water". It basically states that water is a universal undertone of purity and fertility. Furthermore, it also symbolizes one's subconscious, reflection, renewal, blessing, and life considering that 70% of our body is made up of water. This literary archetype has more one than just one specific meaning in this novel; it, alone, has many. In essence, water can be a sort of medium in which we travel back and forth from past to present and birth to death. Circle of life sort of thing going on here.

This article provided me with a more clear and concise definition of water in the literary world thus improving my understanding of this novel. I chose this topic because it's a major aspect in Beloved and because it was the first one that popped into my mind, of course. Oh and for the record, it's raining outside or thunder storming I should say.

Oh, the irony.

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