Sunday, January 8, 2012

Interesting point you got there Dodds!

E.R Dodds' critical perspective on the play "Oedipus" had a few compelling points that I must point out. I like how he characterized Oedipus as a man that is "great in virtue of his inner strengths". I totally agree with that. Especially the part where Dodds said he had the strength to "pursue the truth at whatever cost and to accept it when found" because that is exactly what Oedipus did. The part about our first impulses towards our parents was also quite interesting because people, in general, do tend to love their mothers more than they do their fathers. I guess that's just our natural instinct. As for every man being Oedipus, that is true to a certain extent because everyone is blind to something in their lives. I enjoyed this article more than the other one because I think it contained more ideas than the other one. The article by A. E. Haigh was more of just an explanation of tragic irony (conscience and unconscience) and how it's used.

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